Thursday, May 23, 2013

I'm Back! 4 years and Counting

Long time no see! My babies are 4 years old. At its longest length it's just passed my bra. I haven't measured since pre installation day. 

I haven't done much to my locks. A little color about 2 yearsago. So all the dark roots is growth.   I've trimmed a few. Some have thinned but most matured nicely. I have recued several by re attaching the with needle and brown thread. Also I've used human bulk hair to reinforce weak areas. There were also a few that grew like weeds that I cut because they were way longer than the others. A section near the top of my head I felt were too big. I thought making them smaller would increase volume. So I made one into two, three and some instances four separate locks (I'll share photos of these later) . I had discussed this with my consultant. She recommend leaving them alone. Once I felt comfortable retightening my own hair, only then did I attempt to split the locks myself. 

As you can see my locks thickened up quit a bit, however my hair at the scalp is still thin. Most days it doesn't bother me that my hair doesn't look "hers". You know her! The one you saw on Facebook, or in the mall or Instagram...your "hair crush or hair envy". This journey has taught me so much about me.   I'm looking forward to what is to come.      

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